

Result = XMLNodeFromPath(ParentNode, Path$)
Returns the XML node inside ParentNode who's relation to ParentNode is described through 'Path$'. XMLNodePath() can be used to get such a path to a node.


ParentNode The parent XML node.
Path$ Contains a list of node names separated by '/' to indicate the way to follow from the parent to the target node. For example "childtag/subchildtag" specifies the first node with name "subchildtag" inside the first node with name "childtag" inside ParentNode.

A node name can have an index (one based) to specify which of multiple child tags of the same name should be selected. "childtag/subchildtag[3]" specifies the 3rd "subchildtag" inside the first "childtag" of ParentNode.

Other rules:
- If a path starts with '/' it is relative to the tree's root. No matter which node ParentNode specifies.
- A Wildcard "*" can be used instead of a tag name to specify that any tag is to be selected.
- A Comment node has the tagname "#comment"
- A Processing Instruction node has the tagname "#instruction"

Some examples of valid paths:
  "/mainnode/#comment[4]" - the 4th comment inside the "mainnode" node inside the root of the tree
  "*[10]"                 - the 10th node (of any type) inside ParentNode
  "*/*/*"                 - the 1st node 3 levels below ParentNode independent of its type
Note: This command is no implementation of the XPath specification. The syntax used and understood by this command is only a small subset of XPath. This means a path returned from XMLNodePath() is a valid XPath query, but this command only understands the syntax described here, not just any XPath query.

Return value

The target node or zero if the path did not lead to a valid node.

See Also


Supported OS


<- XMLNodeFromID() - XML Index - XMLNodePath() ->