

SpriteShaderAttribute(#Sprite, ShaderAttribute, Value.f)
Change the realtime shader attributes. If the shader isn't added on the sprite, this command has no effect.


#Sprite The sprite use.
ShaderAttribute The shader attribute to change. It can be one of the following value:
  #PB_BlurShader_Intensity: The blur shader intensity from 0 (no blur) to 1000 (very blurred)
  #PB_BlurShader_Quality  : The blur quality from 0 (low quality) to 100 (high quality). Better quality means slower perfomance.

  #PB_NoiseShader_Seed     : The random seed of the noise shader. Can be any number.
  #PB_NoiseShader_Intensity: The intensity of the noise shader, from 0 (no noise) to 1 (full noise).

  #PB_PixelateShader_SizeX: The width (in pixels) of the pixelate shader block.
  #PB_PixelateShader_SizeY: The height (in pixels) of the pixelate shader block.

  #PB_BevelShader_Thickness  : The thickness (in pixel) of the bevel borders
  #PB_BevelShader_Rotation   : The rotation of the bevel light, in degree.
  #PB_BevelShader_LightColor : The light color, including alpha. RGBA() can be used to get a valid color value.
  #PB_BevelShader_ShadowColor: The shadow color, including alpha. RGBA() can be used to get a valid color value.

  #PB_BulgePinchShader_Strength: The strengh of the effect between -1 and 1 (-1 is strong pinch, 0 is no effect, 1 is strong bulge)
  #PB_BulgePinchShader_CenterX : The X center coordinate of the effect (in pixels)
  #PB_BulgePinchShader_CenterY : The Y center coordinate of the effect (in pixels)
  #PB_BulgePinchShader_Radius  : The radius of the effect (in pixels)

  #PB_AdjustmentShader_Alpha     : The alpha value between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque).
  #PB_AdjustmentShader_Gamma     : The gamma value between 0 and 1.
  #PB_AdjustmentShader_Saturation: The saturation value between 0 and 1.
  #PB_AdjustmentShader_Contrast  : The contrast value between 0 and 1.
  #PB_AdjustmentShader_Brightness: The brightness value between 0 and 1.
  #PB_AdjustmentShader_Red       : The red value between 0 and 1.
  #PB_AdjustmentShader_Green     : The green value between 0 and 1.
  #PB_AdjustmentShader_Blue      : The blue value between 0 and 1.

Return value


See Also

AddSpriteShader(), RemoveSpriteShader()

Supported OS


<- SpriteQuality() - Sprite Index - SpriteWidth() ->