

ScreenShaderAttribute(ShaderAttribute, Value.f)
Change the realtime shader attributes. If the shader isn't added on the screen, this command has no effect.


ShaderAttribute The shader attribute to change. It can be one of the following value:
  #PB_BlurShader_Intensity: The blur shader intensity from 0 (no blur) to 1000 (very blurred)
  #PB_BlurShader_Quality  : The blur quality from 0 (low quality) to 100 (high quality). Better quality means slower perfomance.

  #PB_NoiseShader_Seed     : The random seed of the noise shader. Can be any number.
  #PB_NoiseShader_Intensity: The intensity of the noise shader, from 0 (no noise) to 1 (full noise).

  #PB_PixelateShader_SizeX: The width (in pixels) of the pixelate shader block.
  #PB_PixelateShader_SizeY: The height (in pixels) of the pixelate shader block.

  #PB_BevelShader_Thickness  : The thickness (in pixel) of the bevel borders
  #PB_BevelShader_Rotation   : The rotation of the bevel light, in degree.
  #PB_BevelShader_LightColor : The light color, including alpha. RGBA() can be used to get a valid color value.
  #PB_BevelShader_ShadowColor: The shadow color, including alpha. RGBA() can be used to get a valid color value.

  #PB_BulgePinchShader_Strength: The strengh of the effect between -1 and 1 (-1 is strong pinch, 0 is no effect, 1 is strong bulge)
  #PB_BulgePinchShader_CenterX : The X center coordinate of the effect (in pixels)
  #PB_BulgePinchShader_CenterY : The Y center coordinate of the effect (in pixels)
  #PB_BulgePinchShader_Radius  : The radius of the effect (in pixels)

  #PB_AdjustmentShader_Alpha     : The alpha value between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque).
  #PB_AdjustmentShader_Gamma     : The gamma value between 0 and 1.
  #PB_AdjustmentShader_Saturation: The saturation value between 0 and 1.
  #PB_AdjustmentShader_Contrast  : The contrast value between 0 and 1.
  #PB_AdjustmentShader_Brightness: The brightness value between 0 and 1.
  #PB_AdjustmentShader_Red       : The red value between 0 and 1.
  #PB_AdjustmentShader_Green     : The green value between 0 and 1.
  #PB_AdjustmentShader_Blue      : The blue value between 0 and 1.
  #PB_ReflectionShader_AlphaStart: The starting alpha value, between 0 and 1 (default 1).
  #PB_ReflectionShader_AlphaEnd  : The ending alpha value, between 0 and 1 (default 1).
  #PB_ReflectionShader_Boundary  : To define where to start the reflection on the screen, between 0 and 1 (lower value produce a larger reflection).
  #PB_ReflectionShader_AmplitudeStart : The starting amplitude value (default 0).
  #PB_ReflectionShader_AmplitudeEnd   : The ending amplitude value (default 20).
  #PB_ReflectionShader_WaveLengthStart: The starting wave length value (default 30).
  #PB_ReflectionShader_WaveLengthEnd  : The ending wave length value (default 100).
  #PB_ReflectionShader_Mirror    : Set to #True to enable the mirror mode (default) or to #False to disable it.
  #PB_ReflectionShader_Time      : The time (in milliseconds) for animating position of waves.

Return value


See Also

AddScreenShader(), RemoveScreenShader()

Supported OS


<- ScreenHeight() - Screen Index - ScreenWidth() ->