Debugger keywords in SpiderBasic


Following is a list of special keywords to control the debugger from your source code. There is also a Debugger library which provides further functions to modify the behavior of the debugger should it be present.


This invokes the "debugger" and freezes the program immediately. This will invoke the web browser debugger.

  Debug <expression> [, DebugLevel]
Display the DebugOutput window and the result inside it. The expression can be any valid SpiderBasic expression, from numeric to string. An important point is the Debug command and its associated expression is totally ignored (not compiled) when the debugger is deactivated.

Note: This is also true, if you're using complete command lines after Debug (e.g. Debug LoadImage(1,"test.bmp")). They will not be compiled with disabled debugger!

This means this command can be used to trace easily in the program without having to comment all the debug commands when creating the final executable.

The 'DebugLevel' is the level of priority of the debug message. All normal debug message (without specifying a debug level) are automatically displayed. When a level is specified then the message will be only displayed if the current DebugLevel (set with the following DebugLevel command) is equals or above this number. This allows hierarchical debug mode, by displaying more and more precise information in function of the used DebugLevel.


  DebugLevel <constant expression>
Set the current debug level for the 'Debug' message.

Note: The debug level is set at compile time, which means you have to put the DebugLevel command before any other Debug commands to be sure it affects them all.

This will disable the debugger checks on the source code which follow this command.

This will enable the debugger checks on the source code which follow this command (if the debugger was previously disabled with DisableDebugger).

Note: EnableDebugger doesn't have an effect, if the debugger is completely disabled in the IDE.