Creating app

Create an app is easy in SpiderBasic once the initial setup is done. Please refer to each section to see how to setup your system to support app creation.

Create app window is found in the 'Compiler' menu of the SpiderBasic IDE:

Web app

The name of the web app, will be displayed in the browser tab title. If nothing is specified, 'SpiderApp' will be used as default.

HTML filename
The main output filename (should have the extension ".html"). If no value is specified, the default output filename will be "spiderbasic.html".

JavaScript filename
A SpiderBasic program is contained in one big JavaScript file. This will set the name of this file (should have the extension ".js"). If no value is specified, the default JavaScript filename will be "spiderbasic.js".

SpiderBasic library path
The library path where all SpiderBasic dependencies should be loaded from. It can be relative to the main HTML file, or be loaded from another server. This should be a raw copy of the 'SpiderBasic/Libraries/JavaScript' directory. If no value is specified, the default JavaScript directory will be "spiderbasic".

Copy SpiderBasic libraries
If enabled, it will copy automatically the 'SpiderBasic/Libraries/JavaScript' content to the directory in 'SpiderBasic library path'. The path has to be relative and the destination directory structure needs to be already created.

Resource directory
The path of the resource directory where all the app assets belongs to. It can be only one resource directory specified. The whole directory will be automatically copied to the app root directory.

A post processing program to execute when the app creation is successfully finished. It can be for example a SCP command to upload automatically the new files to a remote server.

The arguments to use for the post processing program.

iOS app

To be able to create iOS app, a Mac and an Apple developper subscription (99$/year) are required. XCode needs to be installed on the Mac (available freely on the AppStore), and the developper account needs to be linked to XCode (XCode/Preferences/Account). The iOS certificates needs to be downloaded to the local Mac. Your Apple Team ID (info available in your online Apple account -> Profile) needs to be set in the SpiderBasic IDE -> Preferences -> Compiler. AppName
The name of the iOS app, will be displayed on the iOS desktop.

The version of the iOS app (ex:

Package ID
The package identifier of the iOS app (ex: com.spiderbasic.test).

Startup image
The image (in png or jpg format) to uses when the app launch. It will be automatically resized and cropped to fit all iOS possible devices. The image should be 2048x2048 pixels to have best resolution on iPad, and the main information should be at the center of the image, as borders can be cropped depending of the devices screen resolution.

The orientation to use for the app. By default, the app can be freely rotated when the device is rotated. "Portrait" and "Landscape" mode can be specified to force a specific app orientation.

When enabled, all battery information, date and such will be removed and the app will run in fullscreen mode. This is mainly useful for games.

Resource directory
The path of the resource directory where all the app assets belongs to. It can be only one resource directory specified. The whole directory will be automatically copied to the app root directory.

Output filename
The name of the created app (.ipa).

Automatic upload
If the app creation is successful, it will be installed automatically on the USB connected device. The device needs to have been registered on XCode before. It also needs to be paired with the Mac (when the device is plugged via USB, iTunes should launch and ask access to the device, it has to be allowed).

Keep App Directory
Don't delete Cordova temp directory after app creation.

Android app

To be able to create an Android app, a Windows computer is required. JDK 1.8+ needs to be installed (available here: JDK 1.8) and the path has to be specified in the SpiderBasic IDE -> Preferences -> Compiler. Before publishing an Android app on GooglePlay, it needs to be signed, SpiderBasic doesn't handle it automatically for now.

The name of the Android app, will be displayed on the Android desktop.

The version of the Android app (ex:

Package ID
The package identifier of the Android app (ex: com.spiderbasic.test).

Your GooglePlay In-App Purchase Key. It can be found in the google play console 'Service & API' -> 'Public key RSA for this app' (the key which looks like: MIIB......AQAB).

Startup image
The image (in png or jpg format) to uses when the app launch. It will be automatically resized and cropped to fit all Android possible devices. The image should be 2048x2048 pixels to have best resolution on tablet, and the main information should be at the center of the image, as borders can be cropped depending of the devices screen resolution.

The orientation to use for the app. By default, the app can be freely rotated when the device is rotated. "Portrait" and "Landscape" mode can be specified to force a specific app orientation.

When enabled, all battery information, date and such will be removed and the app will run in fullscreen mode. This is mainly useful for games.

Resource directory
The path of the resource directory where all the app assets belongs to. It can be only one resource directory specified. The whole directory will be automatically copied to the app root directory.

Output filename
The name of the created app (.apk)

Automatic upload
If the app creation is successful, it will be installed automatically on the USB connected device.

Keep App Directory
Don't delete Cordova temp directory after app creation.